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Brain Injury Yoga Therapy Program


Our instructors understand that every person’s experience with brain injury is different. As a result, there is no ‘prescribed' yoga routine for brain injury recovery as we consider the needs and unique injury of each of our clients. 


Before beginning a yoga practice it is important to consult with your doctor or physiotherapist to ensure that you are medically stable.


What can you expect from our classes?
Our sequences focus on linking breath and movement, emphasizing step-by-step progression in a set order. Learning and remembering such movements through repetition becomes a form of cognitive therapy. 

If you have a neck or back injury in addition to head trauma you can expect a restorative-style sequence, which uses props to support proper alignment without strain.


Our instructors are certified through Canadian Yoga Alliance and have received additional Yoga Teacher Training through the Love-Your-Brain Foundation. As such, we will confidently guide you in your practice to help build proper technique and choose appropriate exercises to support recovery.


Our classes include the following components:

  1. Breathing exercises to support the activation of the parasympathetic system to help regulate the nervous system. This helps to increase emotional control, decrease responses to pain, and increases your capacity to cope with more stimuli.

  2. Movement to help reconnect with the body in a positive way and to support the building of lean, strong muscles and the realignment of the spine.

  3. Mindfulness exercises and meditation to reduce stress, counter the effects of cortisol and improve overall relaxation.                



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